Shaken not Stirred...

This evening Theresa came home with a box from the Post Office, for me from my cousin Chris, (Haven't heard from him in nearly 40 years.) In it was a birthday card from him and his wife.. pictures of them and their daughter, husband and daughter..... And wrapped so carefully was the Cocktail shaker pictured above..... He said it was his mothers, (she never drank in her life) and he knew how much she meant to me and how much he really missed her and that he knew I must feel the same and he wanted me to have it because it had sat in the family room of his home for years, when he was a kid and he wanted me to know that it wasn't just a cocktail shaker, it had some real... family embedded into it.. Happy birthday cousin.
I went from wanting to shoot my self in the head to feeling pretty good. Family to the rescue.
And the beat goes on..............
This blog is becoming a good stopping point for me. Less insanity here than the cult page. 'Course I haven't been there in a while...
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