Yesterday I tied my own shoes for the first time in 7 years.. And today I figured out how to make an animation using, InDesign. The learning curve is back.
(UpDate) I screwed up..... The animation was done using, Image Ready, not InDesign.
Lower Cush..

The lower Cushman lake above, Cushman Washington.
Vacation 05' Home Ward Bound...

Home ward bound...

Looking towards Aberdeen, (to the West) on the way home.

The town of South Bend..

Up the HWY 107 cut-off grade..

Near the Highway home and this journey's end.
Vaction 05' Vittles...

This is the best, damn store we have run across in a long time. It's like the general store of old. If Jacks doesn't have it, you don't need it.
Located in Ocean Park WA., (on the Longbeach Peninsula.)JACK'S LINK HERE
Vacation 05'.. The Dive..

The dump we stayed at while on vacation 05'. Over priced. 1930's I love Lucy nightmare. No phone, no back door, no dead-bolt on the front door, (I had to wedge a chair under the door knob at night for security.) Had a Mexican Grocery store in front, (of which we had a view of the back.) Cable TV so bad I have seen better reception from rabbit-ears.
To it's advantage it had a nice, clean kitchen.. Other than this, not recomended and we won't stay here again.
(I'm not even going to name it, I don't want to waste a plug on it.
2 nights stay: $170.00.. RIPOFF.)

Theresa whipping up a pot of her, World Famous Spagetti..
Vacation pasta!

Peppy was pretty wiped out after hiking all day.
Vacation 05' Long Beach...
Vacation 05' North Head...
Tresa's Revenge..
Taken from our recent vaction..
T thought I looked pretty natural, behind bars. Bourbon and Coke, please....