I know you are looking, Pussyboy.
I know you are sneaking around, David. Everybody who comes to any of my web pages has their location and ISP recorded into a file that I look at daily. I know, (for instance) that you have looked my pages over, 24 times in this last month. What are you looking for, some mention of you and your silly internet games.. Hiding behind made up persona's? Attacking me on forums pretending to be offended over my use of the word, "Clown?" Well, you are in luck! Because this post is all about you. I don't get you at all... You clown. The last time I interacted with you, (or so I thought) was when we were both members of Spymac, back in 2004. You got some hair up your ass and got offended with nearly everybody in the community.. Started your stupid bullshit of threatening people, (the threads are there for the reading. Good old Spymac doesn't delete the membership accounts.. remember?) *LINK HERE* (Even with Broadband, it is a long loader but with a little patients it is there for the looking.)So anyhow.. like I was saying. You left the site in a huff and that was it! You were forgotten. Forgotten that is until the first of 2007 when you showed up at a online community that I was a member of. This time, though, you came back under an assumed name. "Farandolae." At first you fooled me, I just assumed you were a new member and when you first started posting in the various threads, your writing style got my interest but still I didn't suspect anything amiss. You were expressing your shock at a spymac member's comment about a, "porch-monkey".. I wanted to put you at ease and try to explain to you that the person making that remark was a well known moron and a clown. Suddenly, you launch a tirade against me accusing me of being no more than a racist for suggesting poor edscoble a clown. The very same person you were so shocked and outraged over. Suddenly, I was the beast of the play. Well this 2nd clue really got me thinking. Some things you were saying in various posts were sounding familiar and I googled them, which led me back to you. "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" says Gomer Pyle. When I googled your new handle I found out that Farandolae are not real; "Quote" mitochondria (and the fictive entities living within them, the farandolae) "End Quote" It's from a story.. A kids book, *A Wind in the Door* I remembered you telling me once that you home schooled your kids. Billy Bingo! Lookie here! Another piece of the puzzle dropped into place yet I still kept quiet. I didn't give your secret up, well... I did to one person but only after you had insulted her as well but other than her, I didn't tell anybody else, (until today.) I just sat back and waited for you to hang yourself. You really got into the pretending part of the deal and exposed parts of you that you couldn't keep hidden because it is your act. You play the same part, over and over again... You just change the players names along the way. So it was pretty easy to find out the truth, David, and when you just kept posting those, "outraged" posts about that awful website that you had never seen before.. Spymac and all those awful people.. I couldn't help myself. I called a Tool a Tool. I called your hand and laid my proof out on the table for all to see. Suddenly everybody became aware of the fact that you were a phony-baloney. The curtain was pulled aside to expose the Great and Terrible Oz.. Ohh, the drama.. It was enough to flip you out though, didn't it? You reported it to the thread moderator, (who unlucky for you, just happened to be me.) The email came to my email address. In this email you didn't deny that everything I said was true, you made it true by not saying it wasn't so and by lying, saying my post was a personal attack on you and your wife and suggesting that I had been guilty of it in the past, (I have the email with that big fat lie, don't you forget it.) You went on to demand the post removed and so it was removed. I can't figure out by whom, but I have a pretty good idea. He is also a first rate chicken shit such as yourself. The bad news now is that I control this ball park. I have never harassed you or your family in the past, present or future. It is a bald faced lie and you know it. All the links I found were posted publicly on the internet. They weren't behind a password protected website that I cracked to get in. All I did was to expose you as a liar. Get over it and yourself, quit stalking me, leave me alone and move on with your life. |
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