Sunday, February 20, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
Road Trip...
Click on the pic for a gallery view...

We Went to Tacoma, yesterday then hurried up, so we could come back home, to the Peninsula, where we belong. I'm just not comfortable around the city folk. Don't feel like I fit in and I'm always happy top see the sticks. Yesterday, I was happy to take their pics and today I am equally happy to turn them into graphics for your viewing pleasure.
Out the other side of the dirty car window... Henderson Bay, Baby!
.. Click the pic for the gallery view.

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The posts, (pilings) you see sticking out of the water are what the oyster farmers tie the oyster pots to. This one you see in the picture is a company called, Minter Farms..*LINK HERE* If you live here in the States and you like Oysters the chances are pretty good they came from here. Minter has been in business for over 50 years.
Look at that damn bird! I didn't even know I had a picture of one till I down loaded it to the Mac... An added treat.
Click the pic for a gallery view...

Mount Rainier, (14,495 feet) peeking over that Tacoma hill as we cross over the Narrows, yesterday.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Space Travel Baby!
Click on the pic for a larger version..

A online pal of mine is a scientist kind of guy and I made a desktop back ground around him.. The Apple deal is simple.. I create my art on a Macintosh, hence the apple. Get it? That isn't any ordinary flight helmet.. There is a Bose Wafer surround sound system under the apples over the ears, wireless, of course. The eyeglasses not only sheild his eyes from the gamma rays and occasional sun flare but for long distant flights the glasses become liquid plasma screens pre focused at two inches to trick Nukes mind into thinking he is looking at a 25 by 15 foot high screen... Great for movies and PlayStation games....
YEOW! Space travel Baby...