DC.. and nothing else.

A little over a week ago I began to not feel good. Each day that went by I felt a little less than good until today. Today, I feel like dog crap warmed over.. Not a pretty thing. People in my county, Pierce, are dropping like flies.. 2 confirmed cases of West Nile Virus about 7 miles from where I live. They say that it is like a bad, case of flu and in about 2 weeks, it will go away,(1 percent of people will die from it.) T asked me today if I wanted to go to the ER? "Hell no! If I'm going to kick I would rather be it at home.." or some damn thing.. I have my reasons trust me. Hopefully the worst is here and tomorrow I will be on the mend.. otherwise, I will be in further touch.. Posting here, fishing for sympathy. |
glad 2 hear that u r getting better, u r in my prayers , Ric
Thanks gg but I'm not feeling better, wish I was.
im so sorry 2 hear that Ric
get well soon ,my friend
Get better soon, Ric.
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