
I just finished a marathon 2 day session of Playstation gaming with my Grandson Christopher. Although I had my callouses built up on my thumbs already they still hurt a mite bit. When we weren't playing together.. He was playing by his lonesome. Gad! What a trooper.. The kid dreams Playstation. Sometimes he will tell me about how he figured out a tricky part of a game by dreaming the solution while he slept. On another note I asked him last night what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said....... "I don't know... I guess I want to work in a zoo or a pet store.. Probably a pet store so I can play with the kittys.." I told him nobody was going to pay him to play with the animals but, it was over his 10 year old head. Way over. If you can ever make money by being a Playstion Hustler, this kid has it made. |
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